Best PC Games 2019

Hi Guy, How is going all. Today’s we’re talking about 10 of the best games in 2019. So far the first half of the year now keep in mind these are our personal choices the game ranks team got together and really just kind of cobbled together a little compilation of some of the best things that we’ve been playing the things we’ve been enjoying the most for the more indie style game.

1.Resident Evil-2

Resident Evil-2 this remake reimaging of the original Resident Evil two classic is exactly what we were hoping for it lived up to the name it lived up to the hype. It lived up to the nostalgia while also doing its own thing here and there where it really mattered. it's just a fantastic game.

It really retains and brings back all those survival horrors elements we loved so much it takes you to know some of the best aspects and modernizations of Resident Evil-7 but of course put it in third-person like the old days and gives us Raccoon City Leon Kennedy Claire Redfield and the whole shebang what’s really exciting though and the game has really blown up especially with like memes and stuff around mr.X’s just for the people who haven’t experienced it back in the day experiencing all of this weird wacky umbrella of Raccoon City stuff for the first time in 2019.

It’s just so cool to see that I don’t know but it adds new things here and there to make it really interesting and really fresh while also having the right amount of callbacks and nostalgia and just faithful recreations of stuff we loved in the original not only that of course like any good Resident Evil game worth.

It’s salt incredibly repayable there are reasons to go back and replay it on harder difficulties unlock certain stuff top to bottom like I’m looking at it as a Resident Evil fan but like this checks all the boxes this is a go Resident Evil game it looks incredible.

It’s so high budget and action-packed and just worth experiencing on that end but also just if you boil it down to raw gameplay. It’s worth it for that to man Resident Evil-2 is absolutely worth checking out we love it.   

Top Cloud Providers 2019

2. Metro Exodus

Metro Exodus is a game where we really feel like they finally figured out this whole metro thing this game is fantastic despite the move to semi open-world areas it doesn't feel shoehorn. we were really concerned here that you know the game would go to open-world and it will feel like just a waste of space just like they made it open-world to say.

It was open-world but it makes sense in the context of the game and is very fun and just interesting to go find and forage for new components and upgrades for you all a sudden metro now has a new and exciting a loop that totally makes

it even more worthwhile not only that whether you’re playing on PC or console the game looks damn incredible it is an absolute looker and I think the  move to go away from nuclear winter and kind of like new areas of this post-apocalyptic Niketown.

Russia has given to the designers so much to work with in terms of creating interesting environments the game looks like concept art come to life in a lot of areas while still managing to maintain the Metro identity you know the thing doesn’t forget where it comes from you  still find yourself in dark hallways and fighting spooky monsters with tense situations and limited resources. 

3. Shadows-die-twice 

Shadow-die-twice this is, of course, another from soft game the makers of dark souls and blood-borne so yeah, of course, it’s good what they do here differently is what makes it even more interesting more verticality more gadgets a grappling look more emphasis on just waiting for the right moment to strike.

Properly parrying and really doing all these new combos and abilities that you unlock to counter certain things it is a really exciting the game that manages to make you feel like an actual ninja that was really ambitious and very challenging to pull off and make it feel like a challenging rewarding from the soft game but damn it they did.

It the world is creepy and mysterious  and intriguing the enemy types are awesome to look at but also incredibly challenging and beat you to a pulp you’re constantly learning through this game, the game punches you in the face until you figure out all of its systems you literally can’t progress until you do and that’s what makes.

It really really fun of course it’s definitely not a game for everyone like all of their games but it’s different enough that I think it’s worth checking out maybe even if you weren’t into dark souls give this a shot I am just so glad that Miyazaki and his team tried something completely different here and turned out really awesome.

4. Days gone

We all kicked this one around for a while the more we thought about it we figured. It was worth including because, to be honest. Days gone didn’t  review to all daddy’s gun also has some very clear shortcomings that I think most players can point out themselves but for some reason can’t quite put our finger on it still couldn’t stop playing.

It until the end now, of course, it is really long the open-world a little maybe too big for some folks and it stays it to welcome a little bit but Deacon st. John as a character and the completing story makes you want to see it through to the end I think Sam Witwer his performance as Deacon st. John was compelling and interesting and you just wanted to look at the screen and then on the gameplay side the bike mechanics and just like driving around racing around on  a bike and also the progression of upgrading your motorcycle.

Just made it really interesting it made up for the fact that fighting human characters kind of sucked but the zombie encounters were awesome because of those massive sprawling hordes of them I wish there were more really but when you encountered them they were pretty tense and really the game.

It just interesting some people love it, some people hate it we have decided to learn more on the side that we really like it and we’re glad to gain we’re definitely looking forward to seeing what you guys think this one, of course, talk to us in the comments about all this and if you’re curious about what we really think about it check out our before you buy.

5.  Devil May Cry-5

Devil May Cry-5 this is thankfully a great follow-up to Devil May Cry for a bit of a return to form for the series if that was something you are looking for this thing plays incredibly well the fun factor is through the roof because of the combat elements in Devil May Cry-5.

The whole combat and gameplay package is the most fine-tuned and seamless it has ever more you start out the game as neuro once again from Devil May Cry-4. But with a ton of new tricks but then the game opens up to newcomer character V who has a completely different play style.

It’s kind of a nice change of pace but then, of course, you can also playas  Dante and once you get to play as Dante, the game really picks up with tons  of weapon types and that's when the games really fall into its own in terms of combat fun factor and just ridiculousness not halfway through the game is gonna fire on all cylinders for you and you are going to have a hell of a time not only is the combat incredibly fine-tuned and challenging and satisfying but visually Devil May Cry-5 looks insanely good like almost too good.

This is a game worth pausing and suing the photo mode because of character models are insane the environments look great even though they can get a little repetitive and you know if we’re talking about negative things I think the story wasn’t as awesome as I wanted. It to be ti’s kind of wrapped up a little quicker than I expected, but still, the fact that the combat is so much fun and the game so replayable and challenging.

If you crank up the difficulty that really all cancels out any bad things about the game, it is worth playing the weapons are worth experiencing and if you’re a fan of these types of games even just a little bit this is one worth checking out.  

6. Plague tale innocence

Plague tale innocence this is a game that is in danger of flying under a lot of peoples radar but it’s an incredibly fun single-player linear experience people say the single-player is dead single-player games are dying this is a great example of one that is keeping that from actually becoming a reality.

It’s very similar to what we’ve raised quite a bit last year hell-blade send you to sacrifice and that it’s not super long. But it’s really high-quality great visuals and just kind of doesn’t outstay it’s welcome but as a great playthrough a plague tale innocence you step in the footsteps of a young teenage girls who were tasked with carrying her brother across this awful plague-ridden medieval France.

It’s somewhat supernatural a little over the top because the plague and the swarm of rats are very very crazy and scary but the game is grimdark disgusting and nasty and it's so much fun navigating the horrors of this play grid in France while also doing light combat with some scary enemies but a lot of environmental puzzles are fairly satisfying to pull off it just warrants a good playthrough the characters are compelling the story is interesting and like a hell-blade. It's just worth experiencing.  

7. Combat-7

Fittingly we have ace combat-7 really what this game is essentially Japanese Top gun that’s  it whole that’s a whole elevator pitch that’s all I need to know but seriously what this game serves as is almost a vessel for new players considering.

Ace Combat is a long-running series that has had a cult following for a very good reason for the fact that it exists now in 2019 as a great new game is awesome. It looks fantastic the dogfighting is tons of fun and accessible the weather effects are exciting and dangerous and the story is damn considered this one seriously because even if you’re not into aerial dogfighting combat style games like me, you’d be surprised this thing is still really compelling and there’s a reason why people love this series and there’s another reason why it has survived up until 2019.   

8.Super Mario Maker-2

Now not enough people played the original Super Mario maker because it was on the Wii U and that just happened because that console was whatever but Super Mario maker-2 puts the game puts.
The Mario level creation in switch users hands and thankfully.

It lives up to the hype super Mario Maker-2 is a lot of fun. If you are the creative type if you love building levels if you look on social media you look online on threads and forums people have been creating incredible stuff insanely challenging really over-the-top and just super charming and different unexpected stuff is what you get from this game and that’s great but on the other hand, if you’re not that creative if you’re like me there are thankfully tons of levels to play through in story mode.

It’s not like a regular traditional Mario game there is so much to do and then you can also download and play other people’s levels. If you’re one Super Mario Maker -2 is undeniable just a great package that is worth considering even if you’re not super creative thanks to the single-player content but the tools that are there for making fun stuff is just even better and makes it all that much sweeter.

9. Kingdom Hearts-3

We got to give kingdom hearts-3 some love I know diehard fans have been waiting for this for such a long time and whether or not. It really lived up to your expectations, at least in the end story-wise. I think throughout that journey it is still a satisfying and fun Kingdom Hearts game to play.

Now the new sequences are really what is worth mentioning from Big Hero 6 to Toy Story there’s just a lot of fun stuff here that is lovingly recreated and just fun as hell man I mean like the frozen level is really cool and then they have Elsa come out and do the entire frozen song.

The combat is fun. It’s maybe not as challenging as of us would have liked it but some of the visual moves are just so over the top and an interesting look at but you can't help but smile and have a good time that’s what I came to Kingdom Hearts for and that’s what I got we have different levels of kingdom hearts fandom here in the office we’d love to hear what you guys think it down in the comments about kingdom hearts-3 because it is a little contentious but we think it’s a really good time.

10. Mortal Kombat-11

let’s get started off with number 10 and talk about Mortal Kombat-11 first things first. Let’s talk about that single-player campaign because of number one. It’s awesome for a fighting game to have a full-fledged lengthy single-playing campaign but we’re all combat Elevens really nails. It a balance in a really good line between cool new Mortal Kombat stuff and plenty of nostalgia. 

There are a whole time warp mechanic different dimensions. It’s just incredibly satisfying not only that of course once again we get a really a satisfying fighting game that's just fleshed as hell very heavily combo focus and you know you can’t really button and mash your way through this one,

it also looks incredible the character skins are really satisfying changing the look of your character with unlocks are very very enjoyable really you think I wouldn’t be surprised but just does a really good job at consistently putting out really badass fighting games that are fully featured and just worth picking up and I’m glad that Mortal Kombat-11.

Please, comment and share the post with your games lover friends and stay with us. Thank you.

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