Get Paid By Write Articles
Get Paid to Write Articles

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Welcome to fnfaruk Blog. Today I am going to share a new and hot topic for you. I wish this post will helpful for you.

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Today's topic is "Article Writing or Content Writing". Do you know what is Articles writing?? Don't worry I will say, Article writing or Content writing is a medium through which there is a huge potential for creating a career online. Those who have measureless quality in English can easily make themselves as a writer.

There is various kind of website where you can write your articles with their various kind of topic. So, it is not very hard work if you are an expert in English. In addition to blog articles, product reviews, service sales pages, resource books for business organizations, brochures, leaflets, or other promotional work, writers need to write articles. 

Scope of Articles Writing:

Although article writing has several types of work, this article discusses four types of work. The first two types of work are normal. The remaining two are more than hard. Naturally, if your linguistics is low, you will not get the next two jobs if you not enough qualifications.

The low-wage two jobs are:

Rewriting: In one word, Rewriting is a summary of a content that's is a copy of large content short articles with your own language. Rewriting is to write the article in its own language, keeping the basic information of a 300-600 word in writing so that the next one is not duplicated.

A snippet or Short Article Writing: A snippet or Short Article Writing is a 100-150 word text about a topic. In this case, the client may ask for one, 5, 9, 20 or 3 articles on the same topic.

The high-wage two jobs are:

Article Writing or Content Writing: Article writing is the system of writing technique of the selected topic of clients where you will write 500-1500 word articles for your clients with the selected subjects.

You can't copy any other articles or content if you write copyright articles clients never accept your work. So, it's very important for a content writer.

Proofreading & editing: Proofreading is a correction for spelling, grammar, style, etc. Editing with this is to create writing more attractive and refined. 

How to prepare you for proofreading??

APA Style, MLA, Chicago style proofreading is significant to have knowledge. The APA is the American Psychological Association and the MLA is the Modern Languages Association. You will get a lot of help from these proofreading topics online.

You should provide a weak sample as a sample and proofread and edit it. The employer can show you if needed. Also, publish a few articles in to show as a sample.

You will be success if you start bidding for work after getting the right preparation and follow the deadline, you will not move. So, Clients never leave you.

You need two skill:
  • Understand listening to English
  •  Quick typing skills

Where you will get a job as an article writer?

If you are articles or content writers you have a lot of resources to work. You can start work as a freelancer, Fiverr, Upwork as an article writer. Although this marketplace you have got a job.

If you have knowledge in better understanding listing English and fast typing skills you can start transcription jobs. There have so many websites they provide you transcription jobs like Video to Text, Audio to Text, etc. that's why you should be a skill in listing and writing English without mistake. Transcription jobs are available in those sites.

Rev: This is one of the best transcription companies. Rev pays $30 an audio hour, which roughly translates to $0.50 per audio minute. They have a forceful selection criterion. You have to be good at what you do before you opt to try their test. Rev files range from 30 seconds to 3+ hours. Payment is every Monday via PayPal.

Transcribe me: Transcribe me is another good company that pays $20 an audio hour, which is $0.33 per audio minute, they have short 4-minute audio files. Their site is quite good but they are extra strict. You have to be good at what you do before you opt to work for them as well. If you are a newbie, work your way up. Remember transcription needs patience and diligence. TranscribeMe best works on Chrome.

Transcription hub: This Company is not as famous as Rev, GoTranscript, or Speechpad. They have a favorable TAT (Turnaround Time) for transcribers. This would work best for newbies who are not fast in typing. They have different levels of transcribers, these include bronze ($18/audio hour), silver ($24/per audio hour) and gold ($30/audio hour). The higher your rank, the more you earn with the transcription hub. Transcription hub files range between 1 minute to 3 hours. Payment is via PayPal and is done monthly.

GoTranscript: This is one of our all-time favorite transcription companies. With a flow of good audios, you can be assured to get work and they pay between $0.20-0.50 per audio minute. You also need to be able to submit your work on time, if you run out of time the system automatically takes the job back to the work board. They have a favorable TAT and are always working on improving their website for both the workers and the clients. Audio file length in Go transcript ranges between 1 second to 10minutes at most. Payment is made every Friday via PayPal.


এই পোস্টটি পরিচিতদের সাথে শেয়ার করুন

পূর্বের পোস্ট দেখুন পরবর্তী পোস্ট দেখুন
3 জন কমেন্ট করেছেন ইতোমধ্যে
  • Unknown
    Unknown 21 February 2020 at 12:02

    thanks for sharing this article.
    work from home

  • Heru P
    Heru P 3 May 2020 at 10:56

    it's a new information about get paid to write articles for me. because so far my understanding has only been in the form of writing long articles on blog platforms.

  • Minhaj Moon
    Minhaj Moon 4 September 2020 at 17:11

    Thanks a lot. Can I get paid via PayPal?

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