7 Best Way's To Reduce Bounce Rate of website

Reduce Bounce Rate

Having a website means that everything is working well on your blog, but not so much. You may be getting the required amount of visits to your site, but this is not the end. The bounce rate of a website is one of the ways to consider if a website is running properly.
Let's not know first what the bounce rate is?

What is Bounce Rate?

Bounce Rate is a metric of Google Analytics. Before understanding the bounce rate, we need to understand what is a bounce?

When a visitor enters your website and he stays some time on that page without any engages That is, he does not click a button, does not click a page link, does not click on the menu, comes directly to your website without visiting any other page of your site. At that time, Google Analytics does not receive any trigger from the server's visitors. The visitor bounces in this way, only one-page visit counts in Analytics. This is called a bounce.

So what's the bounce rate?.

Let's say your website's homepage contains a total of 100 visitors in a given time (assuming 7 days), Of those, 30 were left out of the home page, Your site didn't visit any other pages. So now your home page will be bounced –
Google Analytics 

This means that this website has a bounce rate of 30%. Below is a screenshot of the bounce rate, which you can find through the Google Analytics tool.

What is the standard bounce rate?

Personally, I think a 30% bounce rate is tolerable for any website. Even with the 40-60% bounce rate and average calculation, I think. But if the bounce rate of the site is more than 60%, then it is a matter of concern. And you should take it serially.

What kind of problem is it if The bounce rate is high?

If the bounce rate of the site is high then what kind of problem can there be? Think of one simple thing. Google always wants to show the most relevant results for search queries. Suppose, now if your website is a bounce at 30%, that means most visitors are entering your site and will be leaving again.

That means he did not get the desired result. Google then understands that your webpage is not up to the mark for this search query. Then Google will leave your website behind the search results to another website.

If the opposite is true, That is, if the bounce rate is 30%, then the visitor will enter the page and then visit some more pages. Then Google realizes that the visitor has found the desired result. That means less bounce rate is able to convince search engines that this result is relative to search queries.

To reduce the bounce rate of the website you can do follow these 7 tricks:

#Loading Speed:
Website page loading speed plays a crucial role in increasing the bounce rate of the web site. We already know that if a website does not load in 5 seconds, 30% of visitors leave without visiting that page. This means that to reduce the bounce rate of the website, the loading speed of the website should be brought down to 5 seconds in the beginning.

Check your website speed using these tools.
#User Experience: 
User Experience is very important for any website. The design of the whole site must be user-friendly. So that a visitor can navigate the webpage without any hassle. If for some reason the user interface is bad, the visitor will not be on that page for long, which will increase your bounce rate.

#do does use irrelevant keywords:
There was a time when using the Black Hat technique to rank sites in irrelevant keywords. Let's say you are working with a blog on online marketing, Have you heard that selling a health-related product can make a great profit? Then if you post health-related content on your online marketing blog then the odds of getting hit are 100%.

Because the visitor will come to your blog to learn about online marketing, the visitor is more likely to bounce back when they see health-related articles. As a result, your bounce rate is likely to rise.

#be careful about writing content:
This term is very familiar with “Content is king” Content plays an important role throughout the website. If the content of your site is good, the design quality is fairly standard but the visitor will be on the site.

So be careful when writing content. Avoiding difficult and difficult words, writing with it should be easy. Otherwise, the visitor may leave the post and get irritated. As a result, the site's bounce rate is likely to rise.

#internal linking: 
Internal linking is one of the ways to keep visitors on-site longer. Let's say you have 6 posts in the Digital Marketing category on your website.

* Pick the Right Channels
* Actualize of at a time
* Make content Strategy
* Request Help with Management
* Measure Engagement
* Check with Compliance

Now you link to the basic Digital Marketing articles on the Relative Way, other posts like picking the Right Channels, Actualize of at a time, Make content Strategy. In this case, the visitor will be more interested in learning about basic Digital Marketing as well as other things, click on the link and stay longer on the site.

# do not use additional ad:
The advertising thing is always boring. How do you like to see ads? Of course, the answer would be annoying. There are a lot of side-by-side ads that start from the header, footer, post sidebar and 2 to 2 inches on the site. Which is annoying for the visitor. The fewer ads you use on the website, the better. Then he needs to keep an eye on the income, but that should not be the cause of the visitor's annoyance.

# Visitor participation is maintained:
Either way, the chance to increase the bounce rate of the site is reduced by keeping the website visitors to participate. Visitor participation can be increased by launching comment options on the site.

Since you last read the article, I hope you like the article about how to reduce the bounce rate of a website. If you have any questions about this post related you can be asked me in the comment box below. I will try to answer every comment.

Thanks, everyone. Be good.

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