Best FREE Video Editing software for mac and windows pc

Looking for the Best FREE Video Editing Software for Windows PC or Mac? Here’s our review of the top free video editors available right now - without watermarks!

Hey guys it’s Faruk here from  Fnfaruk where we help you grow an audience and scale your revenue with online video if you’re new here make sure you follow this web site for the latest tips tricks and online earning help and if you’re reading value in this post make sure you will like this post and Share it with your friends.

Let’s get started, if you’re looking to level up your video creation but you don’t have the budget to splurge on more expensive options like adobe premiere pro or final cut.

The good news is that there are a ton of powerful free video editors for PC and Mac to choose from but we all know that more options mean a much harder decision to determine which one is the best for your workflow. So, in the next few minutes, I will explain each and everything for you, stay with us.

Now I will mention the software that you’re using right now make sure you drop a comment with the number one think others should know about it is there a killer feature that people should know about is there something that you absolutely hate about it.

Let everyone know to save them when they deciding and then once we’re done with my recommendation’s I’m also going to share with you my number one source for quick and easily creating video animations for your videos.

So getting to the recommendations my top picks right now come down to imovie, shotcut, and Davinci Resolve.

Now I’m going to drive into each one of these to help you decide which one is the right one for you. Along with any requirements or things that you need to be aware of like if it’ll work on your computer or not,

The first one then is imovie now this is only available for mac uses there’s not a pc version of this one unfortunately but this is an amazing free video editing program with a really easy to use and really intuitive interface they make it really easy for anyone to start editing even

if you’re an absolute beginner and have never edited before you’ll be able to figure out iMovie pretty quick now while it’s the simplest and easiest to use out of my shortlist.

It’s also the one with probably the latest amount of features or customization or advanced controls when comparing it to the other options as well but what it does have is a clear upgrade path for those that are looking for those more advanced features and controls to the big brother application final cut which shares a very similar interface so if you learn and master iMovie then you can easily transition up to the final cut,

 if you have the need to I’d say the biggest drawback with iMovie right now is that they still don’t support portrait videos.

So if you are editing down things like Instagram stories or YouTube stories then that’s really not something you can do easily in iMovie but for regular widescreen videos like youtube content then it's fine.

The Second one then is shotcut and this will work both Mac and PC now this one isn’t as intuitive or easy to use as something like iMovie

But this is still going to be great whether you’re an absolute beginner right through to someone at the more advanced end of things once you figure out where everything is and how it all work together.

Now this one does have a lot more advanced features and control in it than something like iMovie things like being able to customize all of your settings around your video files that you’re saving out or also giving you the ability to edit things like portrait videos which you couldn’t do in iMovie.

So while that initial learning curve in shortcut may be a little bit steeper for figuring everything out you still have the beauty of having a streamlined video editor allowing you to edit fast with a lot of the more advanced features.

The third recommendation then is Davinci resolve which will also work both mac and pc.

Now this one is hands down the most professional video editing software out there on mac or pc for free.

It is actually ridiculous what they’re giving you access to for free people literally use this to edit top level movies documentaries tv shows.

This software is the real deal it’s also the most complicated especially for an absolute beginner to jump in and start seeing the result with it the tools and the features and everything you get access to the inside of resolve really is at that top pro level which also means that you’re going to need to have a fairly powerful computer to be able to run it and to be able to run it smoothly now up from this free version.

There is also a studio version a paid version of Davinci resolve which unlocks more advance filter and effects and higher resolutions and higher frame rates and also will let you take advantage of more powerful computers and video cards as well but in saying that probably most people are going to be using this aren’t going to be hitting limits or seeing this as restrictions for what they’re able to do inside of the free version of resolve.

So these are my top three recommendations right now iMovie, shotcut, and Davinci resolve but which one is right for you and what are my recommendation I think if you’re on a mac and you’re an absolute beginner right through to that intermediate level iMovie could be the perfect option for you given how simple it is to use how intuitive it is to get in there and get editing fast if you don’t need any of those more advanced features or pro-level features then imovie could be the perfect application for you shortcut is going to be perfect for anyone whether you’re on mac or pc whether you are an absolute beginner

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