Why should you learn C-Sharp in 2019

All right should you learn C-Sharp in 2019


I'll get to the point you learn C-Sharp if you want to interact with the Microsoft stack you cloud be writing clients thick clients for windows 10. If you’re gonna be building web-based apps or web apps that are you going to be interfacing with back in Microsoft technologies you definitely want to do C# and ASP.net and you learn c-sharp.

if you to get into game programming with unity as an example C-Sharp in a modern language it’s a very nice language it was mode after Java it’s kind of like Java Plus Plus if you think about it so they looked at java Microsoft did and then they built C-Sharp said okay this is what we would like to have different about Java these days I would imagine C-Sharp and java or neck-and-neck in terms of features there are a lot of job opportunities with C-Sharp these days most of them would be working on .net architecture.

I would imagine Web Apps and so forth if you’re going to do C-Sharp jobs you’re probably going to be working for larger corporations which probably means you’re going to need some sort of certification or some sort of degree to get those jobs. So, If your number one goal in terms of software development is the job prospects you have to consider what level of education that you have and then you have to look at what they are asking for so just look up C-Sharp jobs.Net jobs Unity jobs etc. 

I think you have less of those most of them are gonna be.Net jobs of imagining with C-Sharp and just check out see what their job requirements see if they want a higher degree etc.  When you make choice based on that now I’ll I will leave this post with this one thing to consider I always emphasize.

If you, for instance, decided now to learn C-Sharp.Net and you get into it and you’ve got some basic chops with your C-Sharp and then you decide that there’s or you just don’t like this kind of programming you want to transition to it’s a JavaScript node or PHP lair even or Python Django or something that have you so you decide at some point okay

I want to move over to else did you waste all your time learning C-Sharp not at all not even close because of all these modern languages Java, C-Sharp, Python, Dart, JavaScript, PHP, Swift, Ruby, etc. They’re all based on the same principles some are closer than others like JavaScript and C-Sharp are very close. C-Sharp and Java are super close so, you know. If you learn C-Sharp you’ve essentially you’ve learned 80% or 85% of all those other languages I mentioned really you have so you’re not like you’re missing out you cannot lose when you learn a programming language. 

So, I know people get a little nervous about that Who am I going to choose the right stack I am gonna choose the right language oh no what am I going to do even if you chose a language where in your part of the world the jobs are not there or maybe because you don’t have the advanced degree you can’t get that Python Al job it doesn’t matter everything that you learn in Python is transferable C-Sharp which is transferable to JavaScript which is transferable to PHP etc.

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So don’t sweat it so there you go in summary C-Sharp jobs yep 2019 for sure probably going to be in .net although C-Sharp is used in the unity framework that said I am guessing depending area many more.Net C-Sharp jobs then you get game development jobs and just a last word about the game development seems like a lot of fun seems exciting but the game development and coding is pretty rough-and-tumble in the sense but a lot of people are attracted to the idea of writing games seems like a lot of fun as such there’s a lot more competition there such the jobs are tougher they work you a lot harder as game developer in fact it matters I have to tell you when you’re writing code is coders code in code meaning. If you’re writing objects and methods and you’re writing your building architectures for a game for versus doing this you know building architectures writing methods and functions etc for a web app your writing methods and functions maybe building architectures.

It because the same thing it’s kind of when I was in my business non tech business why I should sell water-purification products and at first I got into it because into that whole this hobby of mine which I know won’t get into here but after a few years of doing it people’s I told people you know I am selling all these a lot of purification products and all these rare fish and stuff but the end of the day they’re just widget they could be rolls of toilet paper as far as my business was concerned as far as my day to day work they were just widgets it was about how many units I sold how much profit I made whether they were you know I said rolls of toilet paper or water.

Purification products didn’t really matter in the end same thing where you’re writing software methods or methods function or functions variables or variables you know it’s similar to certain extent to a certain extent I want to go down this rabbit hole too much but then again let me just go back if you find that the choice you made doesn’t lead to work right away it doesn’t matter those skills that you learned in one language are transferable to next so don’t sweat it.

 All right I hope friends you can understand this idea about the C-Sharp. If this is helpful for you don’t forget to share you with your friends.

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