Make Money with eBay Selling Digital Products !!??
Selling Digital Products on eBay!

eBay is a very large and continuously growing market place Catering for both auction and buy it now sales. It is this ever increasing market which has allowed many sellers, Business owners and beginner alike to find a niche selling digital products such as eBooks.

The growing number of eBay sellers has allowed many people to enjoy a consistent profit with the sale of digital information through which otters the right to resell.
Due to this and the ease of access to the ever increasing number of digital products, they can repeatedly resell the products.

And you may have also noticed that numbers have already reached 100 Million in numbers. These are the same numbers that are having auctions held every day.

Digital products such as articles, eBooks, Software and reports can be downloaded over the internet. Info products do not need any conventional method of delivery and shipping. All you need is your computer and an internet connection to avail of one. Sellers can easily resell for profit without any shipping costs involved if they sell them from their own website (I recommend you use some plugin or apps can create easily website. Read my review about them here: iGloo App Review, Origin Builder Review, and Revamply Review ). However, if you choose to sell info products on eBay, you must turn the digital products info an interactive CD which not only gives the item a higher perceived value but also incurs only a minimal shipping cost.
Many business owners say that digital products are the best products that can be sold online and have various advantages:
·         No inventory: If you use a fulfillment company to create and ship the orders there is no inventory to stock.
·         EBooks can easily be created and are fast to market.
·         The cost involved for selling on eBay is minimal.
·         The whole process of selling and delivery can be automated.
·         The eBook market is ever expanding because there are so many sellers entering into this field which gives customers a large variety of products to choose from.
If you want to start selling digital products on eBay then there are a few steps that you can follow for success.

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Here are some ideas of digital products you can make and sell online:

. Audio Products :

These products sell a lot because not all people have time to read. Sometimes, people prefer listening to the guru who can teach them how to do this and that rather than reading self-help books them could purchase in a local bookstore. Listening to audio can be done while multitasking.
You can train and learn something while stuck in traffic driving your car. This prover that you have a sure market in selling audio products online. Now the question is how??
 If you are a beginner and don’t have the means to set up  a studio yet, You can make it with what you have. You can interview experts by  using a simple recorder tool or do this via Skype to get what they have to say about a certain topic.
Contact industry leaders who can help you create a collection of informative and useful tools that other people can benefit from.
Make sure you edit your recording or you could outsource this task to have a more professional vibe for your products
  •  EBooks :

This is especially great for people who love to write. EBooks are the new hot items selling online today?
EBooks are the smarter choice for people since you don’t have to carry around several paperbacks into your bag that take up a lot of space and carry on a lot of weight.  So now you might ask, how do I even begin creating an eBook? Is quite simple actually. All you need to do is to deter mine your subject, create an interning title and cover page and make sure you have a summary of what your book is all about. Sell this on eBay or through your own website.     

  •  MP3 :

There’s nothing much to say when if comes to MP3. Everyone knows about it. Now, you can sell MP3 to make money on eBay. However, it may not be a good option to choose MP3 for selling, If you are about to unveil some technical information. Here is a great tip to improve conversion just attach a report with the MP3 recording and you will see it may even double the conversion and you can sell the item at a higher price.

  •       Digital Video :

Video marketing has become an integral chapter of today’s internet marketing. You can make money on eBay by selling digital videos. In fact, you can ask for a considerably higher price for videos among all other downloadable info produc

  •  Offer coaching Programs :

Virtual training has been garnering a lot of attention lately especially since this enables a keynote speaker to speak to his audience scattered all over the world. And most of us want to increase our education through industry experts who have not of information to Office. Coaching programs can help you earn money by merely forming the right program for a specific skill that could help millions of people if they follow them. You can sell these digital products to people who don’t have the time and other resources to go about attending seminars and public workshops just to add to their learning. This is a highly effective means to generate an income while helping a lot of people.  So find your niche and cultivate your expertise.

Don’t want to create your own product? Sell someone else’s!
Crating your own products is one option, but if you prefer to speed up the process you can info products with resell rights, this product might be referred to as a Master Resell Rights (MRR) or PLR Right info products.

Let me explain what MRR and PLR are:

MRR Master Resell Rights: Allow you to resell the products and pass on the resell rights to your customers, in most cases.

PLR Private Label Rights: This is where the author allows the buyer to edit the contents of the eBook in any way they want. This means the author can no longer profit.
From the affiliate links embedded in the eBook.

When you search for MRR or PLR products to resell, each product will come with specific instructions what you allow or not allow to do with it. You must respect and adhere to the policies,  so you won’t break any publishing rules. Many websites are specializing in providing PLR and MRR info products which you can download and stat sell immediately.

The best website I recommend you to start with is In
At in Digital Works you can find more than 4,000 eBooks with PLR and MRR.  AND, It comes with FREE membership as well.

To list digitally delivered goods on eBay, you must follow these guidelines:
You need to list your item only in the Everything Else > Information Products category using only the Classified Ad format;

Classified ads a great way to list items, services, or properties for sale without creating an auction style or fixed price listing. You can create a classified ad on or on eBay classifieds (Formerly Use to let millions of buyers around the country see your listing, or choose eBay classifieds ( and focus your selling locally. Your listing must clearly state that you legally own the content (Sometimes called intellectual) or are authorized to sell it by the owner, the owner’s authorized agent, or the law.

You items can’t have any sexually oriented adult (pornographic) content. Your items can’t include software that would damage anyone’s computer, could be used for malicious purposes like sending spam emails or spreading a computer virus, or would violate anyone’s privacy (spyware or cookies, for example)
Advantages of selling digital products on eBay
Digital products do not have to be stocked like any other items. They do not spoil so there is no rush to consume or use them. You can have and keep them as long as you need them. These digital products do not need to be packed.
It seems that eBay is not too happy with digital products being auctioned.
Because people can get these straight on without having to use mail carriers. It can be noted that sellers or digital products have been disciplined for selling them.
Apparently, eBay has some mail partners doing the packaging and shipment of goods. So there goes their business.

If this is the case, then how can you still such products on eBay?
This thing is, you just have to put them in appropriate categories (books, art music, etc). If done right, you and your products will never have to face discipline again. Many have been continuously selling their digital products on eBay with no problem at all.

To find out the appropriate category to put your products, search for the categories that more successful seller of info products has listed theirs. You would want to make sure that you chose the successful ones. The best way to do it to sell your digital products in CDs. Not only will your auctions fall into more categories, but you will also not be violating any rules that eBay had set. With CDs and VCDs now being offered at that lowest price, you do not have to spend a huge amount of cash putting your product in them. It also follows that people will be more receptive In buying them because of their reasonable prices. It can be noted that there are more demands for such products put into CDs and VCDs compared to the purely digital editions. SO, once they are auctioned in eBay, they have the tendency to get more bids and sales. This simply means profits for you.

** How To Sell Digital Products On eBay The Right Way

Many markets ware upset when eBay announced that you could no longer sell digital goods such as eBooks on eBay. While the reasons are up for interpretation many people simply assumed that there was no way around this new rule by eBay.
There is a way to sell digital products on eBay, and the real key is just knowing how to do it the right way!
To sell eBook and other products similar in nature on eBay you do not have to try any sneaky methods that might get you banned. In fact, I suggest that you do not do that at all! The reason is that eBay now allows you to sell digital products using there classified ad format on
Please keep in mind that fees on vary depending on the category and listing duration.
Classified ads easy format to construct an auction, and actually works out better for you because your ad is listed along with the regular auctions for a very low fixed price. This means you can potentially generate over 1,000 views on each ad you create. Imagine how many sales you could get from that!
So go ahead and create a classified and to sell digital products on eBay. You can sell ebooks in virtually any category and have immense success.
I wish you nothing but success!

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